Why Choose Cast Iron Radiators?

Are you looking for a new heating source for your home? Listed below are the  benefits of having a cast iron radiator installed. Here are the reasons that make this device a must-have investment.

  • Heat. The heat output is probably your biggest concern in choosing a heating source. As compared to its competitors, cast iron radiators offer superior heating and efficiency. They have thicker walls and hold heat much longer, thus providing your home with consistent and ambient heat output that lasts long once switched off.
  • Consistency. Cast iron radiators offer consistency in its heating performance. The heat output, however, may depend on the surface area. This means that the bigger they are, the harder they fall and offers more efficient heat distribution. If you want to keep its efficiency and proper operation, we recommend you do not cover the device and let it breathe freely as it should.
  • Cleanliness. If you think cast iron radiators are prone to dust and dirt build-up and even fire cases, you are wrong. If you keep your home clean, your radiator won’t be able to circulate dust and dirt in the air. Additionally, cast iron radiators are a very effective supplement to natural heat sources like ground source heat. Because of the density and conductivity of the material, they tend to hold heat much longer and relieve stress to your heat pump.
  • Flexibility. Cast iron radiators are made up of heavy materials, but they are also flexible as they come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and styles. They can be customized to meet the aesthetic appeal of your contemporary home. You can even set multiple sections to increase control over the heating output.

Anyone looking to improve their home’s heating system should definitely consider cast iron radiators. If you have pondered on these benefits and  you’re ready to look for the right cast iron radiator, feel free to visit designerradiators.com for the complete list of high-efficient products.


Im a blogger, home designer and a mother. I'm committed to helping others avoid all the mistakes I've made along the way. Check out with my latest updates and feel free to ask anything. You can also check designerradiators.com for more product designer radiators variations of designs.

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