Spring Cleaning: Tips for Cleaning Your Radiators

When the warm weather steps in, it’s time that you got to have a hard-core cleaning session on your radiators. Designer radiator maintenance is crucial in the proper performance of your heating devices. Since your units are firing in full-force during the cold months, it’s just right to give them their fair share of love and care, and the warm weather of spring and summer is the perfect time to do it.

Check out these simply cleaning tasks that you can do for your well-loved designer radiator and heated towel rails.

  • Invest in a Radiator Brush

Modern radiators come in different styles and designs which include corners and chinks where dust can settle. These are typical for column radiators or convector radiators with a double layer of convector fins and are very difficult to reach clean by hand. Unless you want this part to be filled with dust particles, you need to buy a tool that is specifically designed for the job.

Fortunately, you can find a wide variety of long, thin brushes that can fix this issue once and for all. Many of these come with a flexible stem that allows you to bend and flex the brush in any direction you please.

  • Use Warm Soapy Water

After brushing the radiator (including its hard to reach areas), the next step is to give your rads a proper wipe down. Household sprays and general cleaners can damage the finish of your radiator and cause scratches and thinning of the coat finish. The best way to clean your radiator is the old school ‘warm soapy water’ way. The mild soap will help keep your rads clean and shiny without damaging its finish.

If you have designer radiators and heated towel rails, we advise you look after them so they’ll look after you in return. If you haven’t got one and wishes to purchase any time this week, month or year, we recommend you look no further than our range here at Designer Radiator. Our products are proven high-quality and efficient so don’t be the last to experience the convenience you deserve!


Im a blogger, home designer and a mother. I'm committed to helping others avoid all the mistakes I've made along the way. Check out with my latest updates and feel free to ask anything. You can also check designerradiators.com for more product designer radiators variations of designs.

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